This is Lin.

A creative powerhouse fueled by caffeine & crazy ideas. Buckle up! This is where the magic happens

About Me

About Me

About Me

I am passionate about design and creative concept development, specializing in crafting unexpected visual effects and enjoying the collaborative process.Although I am still early in my career, some of my designs have been featured as exemplary works by my school. I chose to pursue a career in advertising because it perfectly blends my interests in communication and design.My goal is to become a creative idea generator with strong design skills, contributing innovative solutions to the advertising industry.

Position Experience

Position Experiences

- 1.5 years Publicity Director at Deakin Chinese Culture Society Club (DCCS) : managed club activities and recruitment publicity,
Copy writing & design on Chinese media posts and Union's official account.
- 2 months Internship at Share Some Journey, a social enterprise:
involved in event planning, copywriting, media design, and dubbing.
- 2 years Media Operation Specialist at The NewStone Migration & Education: responsible for student consultation, posts’ copywriting and design.- 5 years elementary personal tutor:
one to one tutoring primary and high school student English and Maths

About Me

My Interest

An adventurer at heart, a cat aficionado, and a Friends devotee who enjoys a drink now and then.

About Me

About Me

. By Lin

An advertiser in the making…

Work Space.

About Me